Types of Environmental Site Assessments

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is the initial step in evaluating the environmental risks associated with a property. This assessment involves a thorough investigation of the site’s history, current conditions, and potential contaminants. The purpose of a Phase I ESA is to identify any current or potential environmental liabilities or concerns that may affect the property’s value or future use. It typically includes a review of historical records, interviews with past and present property owners, and a physical inspection of the site. The findings of a Phase I ESA can help inform decision-making processes, such as property transactions, redevelopment plans, or compliance with environmental regulations.

Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (Subsurface Investigation)

In a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, better known as Phase II Subsurface Investigation, a more detailed investigation is conducted to determine the extent and severity of any recognized environmental contamination identified during the Phase I ESA. This phase involves collecting soil, groundwater, soil vapor and/or indoor air samples from the site and analyzing them for various contaminants. The goal is to assess the potential risks posed by the contamination and evaluate the need for remediation or further investigation. The results of the Phase II assessment provide valuable information for property owners, developers, and regulatory agencies to make informed decisions regarding the site’s environmental condition and potential future use. It is an essential step in ensuring the protection of human health and the environment.

Phase III Environmental Site Assessment (Remediation)

Phase III Environmental Site Assessment is the final stage in the process of conducting an environmental site assessment. This phase involves the implementation of remediation measures to address any identified environmental risks or contamination. It includes activities such as excavation, in-situ chemical reduction and oxidation, in-situ metals fixation, hydraulic control, soil vapor extraction, air-sparging, bio-remediation, solidification, soil and groundwater sampling, and the removal or treatment of hazardous materials. The goal of Phase III or remediation is to mitigate the potential environmental impacts and ensure the site is safe for its intended use. This phase requires careful planning, coordination with regulatory agencies, and adherence to environmental regulations and guidelines. It is crucial to engage experienced professionals such as American Environmental who specialize in environmental remediation to ensure the effectiveness and success of Phase III Environmental Site Assessment.

Types of Environmental Site Assessments