At American Environmental, we investigate sites suspected of containing hazardous materials & our staff strives to provide efficient, cost-effective solutions that serve your long-term environmental needs.

Environmental Assessment and Solutions

First we understand your project goals, then design environmental solutions that are consistent with those goals to help you achieve compliance with confusing environmental laws, rules & regulations and stay out of trouble with regulatory agencies and 3rd-party environmental groups.

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)

Environmental Site Assessment is the study of a property to identify potential or existing environmental contamination or liabilities. A Phase I ESA report is usually prepared for real estate holdings, developers and financial institutions.

NYC E-Designation

An E-designation relating to air, noise or hazardous material prevents any new construction to occur, and building permit(s) are not approved until the environmental requirements can be satisfied.

Vapor Intrusion Investigation

Vapor Intrusion refers to the process by which volatile chemicals move from a subsurface source into the indoor air of overlying or adjacent buildings.

American Environmental

Why Choose Us

American Environmental Assessment & Solutions, Inc. (American Environmental) is a leading environmental company providing environmental services and located in Brooklyn, New York. American Environmental offers a wide range of environmental services providing our customers with the safest and most cost-effective solutions to all their environmental needs.


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American Environmental Offers

Affordable Environmental Site Assessments

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)

Environmental Site Assessment is the study of a property to identify potential or existing environmental contamination or liabilities. A Phase I ESA report is usually prepared for real estate holdings, developers and financial institutions.

NYC E-Designation

An E-designation relating to air, noise or hazardous material prevents any new construction to occur, and building permit(s) are not approved until the environmental requirements can be satisfied.

Vapor Intrusion Investigation

Vapor Intrusion refers to the process by which volatile chemicals move from a subsurface source into the indoor air of overlying or adjacent buildings.

Air Quality Impact

An important technique for determining the relative contribution to ground level pollutant concentrations of specific current or future source emissions at receptor sites

Hazardous Materials

We provide Environmental Services for sites with a hazardous material contamination (HAZMAT) designation

At American Environmental Assessment & Solutions...

We are Building the Future

We have along and proud history giving emphasis to environmental assessments and remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater in the Tri-State area.

Utilization Works 80%
Customer Satisfaction 94%

Frequently Asked Questions

A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is a due diligence report prepared for a real estate holding that identifies potential or existing environmental contamination liabilities. The assessment, often called an ESA or Phase I, typically addresses both the underlying land as well as physical improvements to the property.

The Phase II ESA, also referred to as a “Phase II Subsurface Investigation” or more commonly “site investigation,” typically consists of collecting a series of soil, soil gas, (which includes sampling for vapor intrusion) and groundwater samples for laboratory analyses to determine if Site operations have impacted the property negatively through environmental contamination.

If an E-Designation was placed on your property by City Planning and Zoning, the first thing to do is to contact us at American Environmental for assistance. The E-Designation prevents any new construction or change in land use to occur until the environmental requirements of the E-Designation are satisfied.

The first step in satisfying the E-Designation requirements is to have a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA) conducted to investigate all aspects of your property that could potentially be a concern.

The assessment will entail a variety of tasks including onsite visual inspections, review of government databases, review of Fire Insurance maps, evaluation of property/ownership records, examination of historical photographs and maps, and file.

Environmental Site Remediation

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*We can participate on MTA, New York State Department of Transportation (DOT), Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority federally assisted projects.
